
Trakhir, sebagai tanda terima kasih, kita memberikan plakat kepada pengurus panti sosial ini, pihak KMBD diwakili oleh Bendahara KMBD, yaitu @feriandy_yong Happy birthday KMBD Tetaplah berjaya "Thousands of candles can be lighted from single candle, and the life of the candle wil not be shortened. Happiness never decreased by being shared " -Buddha-

Trakhir, sebagai tanda terima kasih, kita memberikan plakat kepada pengurus panti sosial ini, pihak KMBD diwakili oleh Bendahara KMBD, yaitu @feriandy_yong

Happy birthday KMBD
Tetaplah berjaya “Thousands of candles can be lighted from single candle, and the life of the candle wil not be shortened. Happiness never decreased by being shared ”